Entries by Buy My Blinds Online Editor

Cleaning blinds guide for shutters and blinds

Cleaning blinds can be a pain. Particularly if you live in an area that is prone to gusty winds, rain and other climatic events. However, if you endeavour to clean your shutters consistently, you’ll find that it’s actually an easy task that adds a nice little improvement to the look of your home. While internal […]

Decorating Nursery Room, Do’s and Dont’s

Nursery Room Decorating a nursery is an incredibly pleasant task, but you need to keep in mind that beauty and safety should come hand in hand for this particular room. Our tips should help you choose the best type of window covers for your little one. What you should do when decorating nursery windows: Do […]

Selecting The Right Blinds For Your Home & Handy Tips

The Right Blinds Blinds have become exceedingly popular over the last few years, with homeowners opting for easy solutions for their privacy and we understand why. Choose the Right Blinds with stylish designs available to suit any type of room, they’re Interior low maintenance and the long-term savings they bring have proven a worthwhile investment. […]